Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The best treadmill for running

How can we choose the best treadmill for running?

best treadmill for running
The first thing to decide when buying a treadmill is how much your budget is.Make that decision before you even leave the house and stick to it.A significant number of people buy new and expensive treadmills with more buttons and gadgets than they really need, spending a lot more than is actually required and then ten weeks later the treadmill is sitting untouched and unused in the corner somewhere.Buy the treadmill that you think will be suitable for you , most treadmills will give you an idea in their description of how many miles per week they are suitable for.If you only intend on doing 20 miles a week you do not need a treadmill designed for a marathon runner.

The second thing to consider is what kind of things motivate you. Do you need to know the distance covered ? The amount of calories burned? .Is it important for you to be able to alter the incline of the treadmill thereby increasing the calorie burn or are all of those factors irrelevant. Some people simply want the opportunity to get in a quick jog in the morning for ten or fifteen minutes whilst others find motivation in setting themselves targets or calories burned or distance covered.

Read the reviews of various treadmills online and see what other people are saying about the treadmills.One of the features a lot of new runners tend to overlook when choosing the best treadmill for running is how quiet or indeed noisy a treadmill is.If for instance you have small children who go to bed early then a treadmill that is poorly built using cheap materials will tend to be quite noisy once you start pounding the miles.As a consequence once the children go to bed you may not even be able to use your treadmill so bear this in mind when making your choice.

Perhaps the most overlooked of all things treadmill related is the store options and ease of transportation.What i mean by that is once the treadmill is set up , is it easy to fold up and put away out of the centre of the room.Most people are not lucky enough to have a room solely dedicated to keeping fit and so the idea of a large treadmill constantly in situ in the middle of your living room may not appeal to all members of the family.

The last tip i would give you is if buying brand new purchase from a reputable store, with brand names you know a trust.You need to have total faith that the treadmill is going to be reliable and safe when you are using it and that the manufacturer will stand behind their product should anything go wrong

So in summary when choosing the best treadmill for running
  •  Set a budget
  •  Check the treadmill is fit for the purpose you want it for and ensure it is not too noisy whilst in use
  •  Consider what bells and whistles you really require
  •  Think about storage and mobility
  •  Always buy a branded product from a reputable store 

Happy running!

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